BBC:Reeves hints at above-inflation public sector pay rise

July 21, 2024 • 英语

The chancellor has hinted that she may give public sector workers above-inflation pay rises this summer.英国财政大臣暗示,她可能会在今年夏天为公共部门的员工提供高于通货膨胀率的加薪。

Rachel Reeves' comments come after it is understood independent pay review bodies recommended an increase of 5.5% for teachers and some NHS workers.据悉,独立薪酬审查机构建议将教师和部分国家医疗服务系统工作人员的薪酬提高 5.5%。

In her first interview from No 11 Downing Street, she said: "I really value public service workers, in our schools, in our hospitals, in our police as well...在唐宁街 11 号的首次采访中,她说:"我非常重视公共服务人员,包括学校、医院和警察......

"There is a cost to not settling, a cost of further industrial action, and a cost in terms of the challenge we face recruiting.""不和解是要付出代价的,进一步采取工业行动是要付出代价的,我们面临的招聘挑战也是要付出代价的"。

But Ms Reeves told Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg that "we will do it in a proper way and make sure the sums add up" - emphasising that her spending rules are "non-negotiable".但里夫斯女士对《星期日》的劳拉-昆斯伯格(Laura Kuenssberg)说:"我们将以适当的方式进行,并确保数字相加"--她强调说,她的支出规则是 "不可谈判的"。

The new chancellor promised a decision on public pay this month, saying "people won’t have long to wait".新任财政大臣承诺将在本月就公共薪酬问题做出决定,并称 "人们不会等待太久"。

Speaking in an interview recorded on Saturday, Ms Reeves also accused the Conservative Party of calling the election because "they weren’t willing to make tough decisions, and they just ran away".在周六录制的采访中,里夫斯女士还指责保守党召集选举的原因是 "他们不愿意做出艰难的决定,他们只是逃避"。

She said the decision about teachers’ pay had sat on the former education secretary’s desk, and that the Conservatives had allowed an unacceptable situation to build up in prisons.她说,关于教师工资的决定一直放在前教育大臣的办公桌上,保守党允许监狱出现令人无法接受的情况。

This was rejected by her predecessor Jeremy Hunt, who said the previous Conservative government had “taken very difficult decisions” in the wake of increased spending demands during the Covid pandemic.她的前任杰里米-亨特(Jeremy Hunt)拒绝了这一建议,他说,上一届保守党政府在科威德大流行期间支出需求增加的情况下 "做出了非常艰难的决定"。

He accused Ms Reeves of trying to “lay the ground for tax rises” by exaggerating the fragility of the public finances, adding that claims the Tories had left the worst economic inheritance since World War Two as "nonsense".他指责里夫斯女士试图通过夸大公共财政的脆弱性来 "为加税奠定基础",并称保守党留下了自第二次世界大战以来最糟糕的经济遗产的说法是 "无稽之谈"。

He admitted, however, that his party would not have been able to make tax cuts it promised during the election campaign "immediately".不过,他也承认,他的政党不可能 "立即 "实现竞选期间承诺的减税政策。

"But I think we would have been able to do it in time, and we had plans in place to do that," he told the programme."他在节目中说:"但我认为我们本可以及时做到这一点,而且我们已经制定了相关计划。

Extra spending 额外支出

The estimated cost of pay rises of 5.5% for teachers and certain NHS staff could reach £3bn, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS). That would be significantly more than the 2.5-3% the Treasury had expected.根据财政研究所(IFS)的估算,教师和某些国家医疗服务系统(NHS)工作人员加薪 5.5% 的成本可能达到 30 亿英镑。这将大大超出财政部 2.5%-3% 的预期。

IFS director Paul Johnson said paying for such an increase would require the government to either increase borrowing or taxes, or cut spending elsewhere.IFS 主任保罗-约翰逊(Paul Johnson)说,支付这样的增长需要政府要么增加借贷或税收,要么削减其他方面的开支。

The most recent figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) put inflation at 2% in May and June - suggesting a pay offer above 2% would count as being above inflation.国家统计局(ONS)的最新数据显示,5 月和 6 月的通胀率为 2%--这表明高于 2% 的薪资报价将被视为高于通胀率。

But Mr Johnson told BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Saturday that the 5.5% figure was "roughly what pay is rising by across the economy".但约翰逊先生周六在 BBC 广播 4 台的 "今日 "节目中表示,5.5% 这个数字 "大致是整个经济的薪酬涨幅"。

Traditionally, governments follow the recommendations of the independent bodies - but ministers are not obliged to stick to their suggestions.传统上,政府会遵循独立机构的建议--但部长们没有义务坚持他们的建议。

Recommendations for other sectors are yet to be received, but the chancellor does plan to announce the settlements before the end of July.其他部门的建议尚未收到,但财政大臣确实计划在 7 月底之前宣布解决方案。