BBC:Criminals will seek to exploit mass IT outage, CrowdStrike boss warns

July 20, 2024 • 英语


  • Experts are warning of a risk of more disruption as cyber-criminals seek to take advantage of Friday's global IT outage

专家警告称,由于网络犯罪分子试图利用周五的全球 IT 中断,可能会有更多的混乱风险。

  • The boss of CrowdStrike, the cyber-security firm responsible, warned of "bad actors" that "will try to exploit events like this"

负责网络安全的公司 CrowdStrike 的老板警告称,“恶意行为者”会试图利用这类事件。
CrowdStrike 的老板,网络安全领域负责人警告说,那些“坏人”可能会利用类似这样的事件。

  • George Kurtz also encouraged CrowdStrike customers "to remain vigilant"

George Kurtz 还鼓励 CrowdStrike 的客户“保持警惕”。
George Kurtz 还鼓励 CrowdStrike 的客户“保持警惕”

  • Cyber agencies in the UK and Australia are urging people to be vigilant to fake emails, calls and websites that pretend to be official


  • Thousands of flights were cancelled and banking, healthcare and payment systems were affected by the mass outage


  • Although many airports say their IT systems are working again, travellers continue to face disruption as airlines try to recover from the outage's impact

尽管许多机场表示其 IT 系统已恢复正常,但由于航空公司努力从中断的影响中恢复,旅客仍面临困扰。

Live Reporting

How can I stay safe online? Key tips to avoid scams

Tom Gerken
Technology reporter

With many of the outages being resolved, the big development today has really been around security agencies, who are each warning of an increase in scams relating to CrowdStrike.

随着许多中断问题的解决,今天的重大进展实际上集中在各安全机构上,他们纷纷警告称,与 CrowdStrike 相关的诈骗活动正在增加。

You may be wondering what you need to do.


The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and others are specifically warning about phishing attacks – where scammers try to trick people into handing over their financial details.


Once someone pays up, the scammers either vanish without a trace, or will try to scam them out of more money through follow-up messages.


These sorts of scams have been around for decades and being aware of it them important, but prevention is better than intervention.


The NCSC advises people to think about the information they share online – because cyber criminals will grab all the info they can get to make their scams more convincing – and the simplest thing you can do with the biggest impact is to review the privacy settings on your social media accounts.
